Another Honorable Achievement for Golestan University: The Inclusion of Three Faculty Members among the Top 2% Scientists in the World


According to the public relations report, quoted from the director of research and technology affairs of Golestan University, according to the research conducted by Stanford University scientists based on the new information of the authoritative Scopus citation index until the end of 2021, the list of the most cited scientists in all disciplines and the top 2% scientists in all fields were identified and introduced, and the names of three faculty members were identified and introduced.

According to this announcement, Dr. Ghasem Bahlakeh, a faculty member of the Department of Chemical Engineering, Aliabad Engineering Faculty, Dr. Seyed Mohammad Javad Hosseini Kahsari, a faculty member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering, and Dr. Ali Derakhshan, a faculty member of the Department of English Language and Literature Language, were included in the list of two percent of the world's top scientists.


Click here to see the list of the top 2% scientists.

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