Ali Pakdaman

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences


  • A. Pakdaman, H. Torabi and B. Mashayekhy, ON THE EXISTENCE OF CATEGORICAL UNIVERSAL COVERINGS , italian journal of pure and applied mathematics , (2638) , 37 , 289-300
  • B. Mashayekhy, A. Pakdaman and H. Torabi, Spanier spaces and covering theory of non-homotopically path Hausdorff spaces , Georgian Mathematical Journal , (2634) , 20 , 303-317
  • M. Tajik, B. Mashayekhy and A. Pakdaman, Unique Path Lifting from Homotopy Point of View , Acta Mathematica Vietnamica , (2017) , , 1-17
  • A. Pakdaman, M. Attary, A COVERING PROPERTY IN PRINCIPAL BUNDLES , Journal of Algebraic Systems , (2017) , 5 , 91-98
  • H. Torabi, A. Pakdaman and B. Mashayekhy, TOPOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTAL GROUPS AND SMALL GENERATED COVERINGS , Mathematica Slovaca , (2015) , 65 , 1153-1164
  • H. Torabi, A. Pakdaman and B. Mashayekhy, ON THE TOPOLOGICAL FUNDAMENTAL GROUPS OF QUOTIENT SPACES , Ukrainian Mathematical Journal , (2014) , 65 , 1883-1898
  • A. Pakdaman, H. Torabi, B. Mashayekhy, On Locally 1-connectedness of Quotient Spaces and Its Applications to Fundamental Groups , Filomat , (2014) , 28 , 27-35
  • A. Pakdaman; H.Torabi and B. Mashayakhi , Small loop spaces and covering theory of non-homotopically Hausdorff spaces , Topology and its applications , (2011) , , 803 - 809
  • Ali Pakdaman, "one point union preserve having the categorical universal covering" , Joint Meeting of the German Mathematical Society and the Polish Mathematical Society , (2635/11) , ,
  • Ali Pakdaman, Separation properties of topological fundamental groups , The 6-th international Conference on Group theory, Gorgan, Golestan University , (2635/5) , ,
  • Ali Pakdaman, On Mycielski conjecture , The 7-th seminar on Geometry & Topology, Tehran, Iran University of science & technology , (2635/4) , ,
  • Ali Pakdaman, covering theory of locally wild spaces , , Ferdowsi University of MashhadThe 44-th Conference of Iranian Mathematical Society , (2634/10) , ,
  • Ali Pakdaman, Small loops and covering theory , First workshop in geometry and topology, Ferdowsi university of Mashhad , (2632/5) , ,
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