Fateme Sadat Movahedi

Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences

Ph.D ()

Mathematics - combinations and applications

Shahid Beheshti University

  • M. H. Akhbari, F. Movahedi, M. Arslanov, On the doubly connected domination polynomial of a graph , Asian-European Journal of Mathematics , (2018) , 12 , 1950036 (10 pages)
  • M. H. Akhbari, F. Movahedi, S. V. R. Kulli, Some Parameters of Domination on the Neighborhood Graph , International J.Math. Combin , (2017) , 4 , 138-150
  • F. Movahedi , C. Eslahchi, M. Pourbarat, M. S. Shahrokhi-Dehkordi, Analysis of dynamical system to transition probabilities in the birth-death Markov process in the epidemic model , Far East J. Dyn. Syst , (2015) , 26 , 61-74
  • C. Eslahchi, F. Movahedi , Calculation of transition probabilities in the birth and death Markov process in the epidemic model , Mathematical and Computer Modelling , (2011) , 55 , 810–815
  • C. Eslahchi, H. Pezeshk, M. Sadeghi, Ph. Giabbanelli, F. Movahedi, V. Dabbaghian , A probabilistic model for the spread of HIV infection among injection drug users , World Journal of Modelling and Simulation , (2010) , 6 , 267-273
  • S. Mtarneah, R. Hasni, M. H. Akhbari and F. Movahedi, {Some domination parameters in generalized Jahangir graph J_{n, m , Conference on Mathematics , (2018/4) , ,
  • F. Movahedi, C. Eslahchi, H. Pezeshk , An Algorithm based on Birth-death process for simulating the epidemic spread of disease in a community , The 12th Iranian Statistical Conference , (2014/8) , ,
  • C. Eslahchi, R. Hassanzadeh, F. Movahedi , H. Poormohammadi, E. Saberi Ansari, , SOME APPLICATIONS OF GRAPH THEORY IN BIOINFORMATICS , The 44th Annual Iranian Mathematics Conference , (2013/8) , ,
  • Fateme Movahedi, Changiz Eslahchi, Hamid Pezeshk, An Algorithm based on Birth-death process for stopping the epidemic of disease spread in a population network , The 5th Conference & Workshop on Mathematical Chemistry , (2012/2) , ,
  • F. Movahedi, A New Method for Controlling the Epidemics of disease based on graph theory , A Workshop on Biomathematics , (2011/11) , ,
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زمان و لینک کلاس های مجازی  فایل 1398/12/21 7:17 PM

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