عبدالمطلب رستگار

مربی دانشکده فنی و مهندسی علی آباد
گروه آموزشی مهندسی نقشه برداری


  • 1 Rastegar. A, ansorian.A, Talei. A, Yari.D, Beheshtifar.S، “power line routing using NSGA-|| algorithm”, Journal of Iranian remote sensing &GIS, ، Journal of Iranian remote sensing &GIS ، (1358) ، ،
  • 4 Rajabi. .R, Golmehr.E, ajidi.D, Rastegar.A ، “Topsis Based Model for Hydropower Dam Site-Selection in Isfahan Province” ، Journal of Passive Defence Sci. & Tech., 4, 315-324, 2011 ، (1358) ، ،
  • • Rastegar.A ، "kernel size evaluation of SVM support vector machine algorithm for classification of hyper spectral images ، 24th national Geomatics conference and exhibition , Tehran, 2017 ، (1358/دی) ، ،
  • 1 Rastegar. A، power transmition line routing using NSGA-II Algorithm ، kntu: khaje nasir toosi ، (1358/10/11)
Faculty Room 1, Department of Technical Engineering, Golestan University (GU), Golsetan, IranPostal code: 49169-78342 فایل 1399/12/18 1:19 PM

تعداد بازدید: 2013