رحیم خباز

استاد دانشکده علوم
گروه آموزشی فیزیک

  38736234 - 017
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  • Behzad Koohi, Rahim Khabaz, Study of the backscattering of electron beams with energies typical of radiotherapy , Physica Scripta , (2022) , , 125301
  • Sina Adeli, Rahim Khabaz, Determination of the protective properties of materials for industrial X-ray generators having a continuous energy spectrum , The European Physical Journal Plus , (2022) , , 1064
  • Marzieh Yousef, Rahim Khabaz , Analytical evaluation of geometry correction factor and effectiveness parameter for BSS irradiated by a voluminous neutron source , Radiation Physics and Chemistry , (2022) , , 110466
  • Mahdieh As-habi, Rahim Khabaz, Alireza Khoshbin-khoshnazar, Evaluation of neutron spectra and different fluences inside a radiotherapy room with a modified simple geometry of LINAC head , Physica Scripta , (2022) , , 105304
  • Rahim Khabaz, Assessment of flux and energy buildup factors in shielding of some gamma sources used for industrial radiography , The European Physical Journal Plus , (2022) , , 344
  • Nahid Rostamani, Rahim Khabaz, Monte Carlo simulation estimates of absorbed dose in human organs due to the external exposure by decorative granite stones , Radiation Physics and Chemistry , (2021) , , 109702
  • Vahid Zanganeh, Rahim Khabaz, Fatemeh Aghili, Investigation the trend of different magnetic felds types on linac photon beam mode by Monte Carlo method using Geant4 toolkit , Radiation Physics and Chemistry , (2021) , , 109603
  • Hossein Bazrafshan, Rahim Khabaz, Determination of radioactivity in building materials and associated radiation hazards by full spectrum analysis approach , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions A: Science , (2021) , , 753-759
  • Aghgol Niazi, Rahim Khabaz, An approach to determination of dosimetric characteristics of radionuclide neutron sources with specifc constants and effective quality factors , Radiation Physics and Chemistry , (2021) , , 109242
  • Marzieh Yousefi , Rahim Khabaz, Distance-dependency of the D2O-moderated 252Cf spectrum and influence on the calibration factors , Radiation Physics and Chemistry , (2021) , , 109270
  • فائزه محمدرفیعی، رحیم خباز، ارزیابی قابلیت های حفاظتی برخی از شیشه های اکسید فلزی در برابر تابش چشمه های رادیوایزوتوپی گاما ، مجله پژوهش فیزیک ایران ، (1399) ، 3 ، 557-565
  • Roya Boodaghi Malidarre ,Rahim Khabaz, Mohammad Reza Benam, Vahid Zanganeh, A feasibility study to reduce photoneutrons contamination and photons in organs/tissues during radiotherapy , Iranian Journal of Medical Physics , (2020) , 6 , 366-373
  • Rahim Khabaz, Phantom dosimetry and cancer risks estimation undergoing 6 MV photon beam by an Elekta SL-25 linac , Applied Radiation and Isotopes , (2020) , , 109232
  • Rahim Khabaza, Hector Rene Vega-Carrillo, Assessment of Kerma coefcients for OSL dosimeters by analytical and Monte Carlo approaches , Radiation Physics and Chemistry , (2020) , 173 , 108875
  • Rahim Khabaz, Specifying the flux and dose-equivalent buildup factors for infnite slabs irradiated by radionuclide neutron sources , Applied Radiation and Isotopes , (2020) , 157 , 109040
  • بهاره پنق، رحیم خباز، عبدالمجید ایزدپناه، اندازه گیری آهنگ دز گامای محیطی در فضای باز و فضای داخل ساختمان¬ها در شهرهای گرگان و بندرترکمن با استفاده از دزیمتر گازی و دزیمتری ترمولومینسانس ، مجله سلامت و محیط زیست ، (1398) ، 12 ، 397-408
  • Rahim Khabaza, Roya Boodaghi, Mohammad Reza Benam, Vahid Zanganeh, Estimation of photoneutron dosimetric characteristics in tissues/organs using an improved simple model of linac head , Applied Radiation and Isotopes , (2018) , , 88–94
  • Rahim Khabaz, Effect of each component of a LINAC therapy head on neutron and photon spectra , Applied Radiation and Isotopes , (2018) , , 40-45
  • Rahim Khabaz, Study of different solutes for determination of neutron source strength based on the water bath , Radiation Physics and Chemistry , (2018) , , 58-63
  • Rahim Khabaz, A new approach to examine the exposure and dose buildup factors for multienergy radioisotopic gamma sources with G-P analytical expression , Radiation Physics and Chemistry , (2018) , , 53-58
  • Rahim Khabaz, Maryam Hassanvand , Radioactivity concentrations and dose characteristics of granite stones , Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection , (2017) , , 275-280
  • Rahim Khabaz, Estimation of scattering contribution in the calibration of neutron devices with radionuclide sources in rooms of different sizes , Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection , (2015) , , 47-54
  • Rahim Khabaz, Abdolmajid Izadpanah, Survey and design of an irradiation setup for measuring the amount of heavy water in a sample , Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , (2015) , , 393–398
  • Rahim Khabaz, Farhad Yaghobi, Design and employment of a non-intrusive γ-ray densitometer for salt solutions , Radiation Physics and chemistry , (2015) , , 18–23
  • Rahim Khabaz, Analysis of neutron scattering components inside a room with concrete walls , Applied Radiation and Isotopes , (2015) , , 1–7
  • Rahim Khabaz, Farhad Yaghobi, Evaluation of the nonlinear response function and efficiency of a scintillation detector using Monte Carlo and analytical methods , Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences , (2014) , , 23-31
  • Rahim Khabaz, Investigation of the effects of beam divergence on the response of neutron voluminous detectors , Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , (2014) , , 911–917
  • Rahim Khabaz, Evaluation of an alternative convenient irradiation system for determination of emission rate of radio-isotopic neutron sources , Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , (2014) , , 5–12
  • Rahim Khabaz, Examining the departure in response of nonpoint detectors due to non uniform illumination and displacement of effective center , Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A , (2013) , , 145–149
  • Rahim Khabaz, Improvement in the practical implementation of neutron source strength calibration using prompt gamma rays , Applied Radiation and Isotopes , (2013) , , 46–50
  • Rahim Khabaz, Reza Izadi Najafabadi, Quantifying the geometry correction factor and effectiveness parameter for Bonner sphere spectrometer with 3He counter , Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , (2013) , , 1487–1493
  • Rahim Khabaz, Appraisement of the correction factors for neutron reaction in the manganese bath using Monte Carlo calculation , Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , (2012) , , 455–462
  • Rahim Khabaz, Assessment of gamma-rays generated by the spontaneous fission source 252Cf using a Monte Carlo method , Annals of Nuclear Energy , (2012) , , 76–80
  • Rahim Khabaz, Study of a new multi-sphere spectrometer based on water moderator with a high efficiency 6LiI(Eu) detector , Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , (2012) , , 383–389
  • Rahim Khabaz, Improvement in the calibration time of absolute emission rate of radionuclide neutron source using vanadyl sulfate bath , Applied Radiation and Isotopes , (2012) , , 2446–2450
  • Rahim Khabaz, AN EVALUATION OF A MANGANESE BATH SYSTEM HAVING A NEW GEOMETRY THROUGH MCNP MODELLING , Radiation Protection Dosimetry , (2012) , , 400–405
  • Rahim Khabaz, Hashem Miri, Evaluation of Response Matrix of a Multi-sphere Neutron Spectrometer with Water Moderator , Pramana Journal of Physics , (2011) , , 599–609
  • Rahim Khabaz, Hashem Miri, Measurement of the Neutron Spectrum by the Multi-sphere Method Using a BF3 Counter , Nuclear Technology & Radiation Protection , (2011) , , 140-146
  • Rahim Khabaz, Hashem Miri, Determination of 241Am-Be spectra using Bonner sphere spectrometer by applying shadow cone technique in calibration , Journal of Applied Sciences , (2011) , , 2849-2854
  • Rahim Khabaz , S. Hashem Miri, Development of a Bonner sphere spectrometer with emphasis on decreasing the contribution of scattering by using a new designed shadow cone , Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry , (2011) , 289 , 789–794
  • محمد فرهاد رحيمي، وحيد ميرزايي و رحيم خباز، محاسبه ترازهاي انرژي بر طبق مدل هسته تغيير شكل يافته سه محوري (تغيير شكل بدون تقارن محوري) ، مجله پژوهش فيزيک ايران ، (1386) ، 7 ، 137-146
  • رحیم خباز، درآمدی بر آشکارسازی و کاربرد پرتوها ، ، (1400/4/1) ، ، 283
اطلاعاتی برای نمایش وجود ندارد.

تعداد بازدید: 2830