دانشکده فنی و مهندسی علی آباد

دکتر مرتضی زنگانه

گروه آموزشی

مهندسی عمران

مرتبه علمی


زمینه های پژوهشی

اندازه گیری میدانی دبی های جریان- مدلسازی عددی ضربه قوچ- استفاده از ابزار محاسبه نرم درپیش بینی پدیده های دریایی- مدلسازی عددی پدیده های دریایی-طراحی سیستم آبگیر و تخلیه کارخانه های آب شیرین کن و نیروگاه ها

صفحات شخصی





ایمیل : m.zanganeh@gu.ac.ir

تلفن : 6-6235-3426-017


Dr. Morteza Zanganeh has more than 7 years of academic experience. His field of research is Coastal and Oceanographic Engineering, Environmental Fluid Dynamics and Hydroinformatics. He is currently conducting research on the modelling of waves and their interaction with structures using numerical modeling and artificial intelligence models. This has led to several peer reviewed publications (in Applied Ocean Research, Engineering Application of Artificial Intelligence, ASME, Ocean Engineering and Science, and Journal of Hydroinformatics). In these studies, he has contributed to the field of coastal environment by carrying out a comprehensive investigation of different approaches used for simulation of coastal processes and discussing the advantages and disadvantages of them. His work experience goes back to the design of various kind of sea water intake including surface seawater intake, deep water intake, infiltration galleries and beach wells. Furthermore, he has contributed in the design of causeways and shore protection projects

تعداد بازدید: 4546